Self Love and Self Care

Self Love and Self Care

Self Love and Self Care are two similar but different things. Self love is the regard for one's own well-being and happiness while self care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. Both are very important especially now. Self care is not selfish and should be something we practice on a daily basis. Self Care comes in many forms and is as individual as the person practicing it. What is your favorite self care thing to do? 

You would think that my favorite self care sessions would involve a bath because I create some wonderful bath and shower items.  I love creating.  Creating products for my business is a favorite.  I love using my imagination and not doing the same thing over and over. I love creating paintings on canvas or tiles.  How the colors go together and blend or contrast is so satisfying.  I love crocheting.  I learned when I was eleven years old.  Now I want to learn how to spin and dye yarn but that's for another day.  I have a sewing addiction.  Fabric, threads, ribbons, buttons, embellishments, beads..... I could go on and on! Sewing makes me happy. Gardening is another one. I love growing fruits and vegetables.  I love working the dirt.  Some days I have horrible bouts of anxiety and getting in the garden is a huge mood changer for me.  It is something I need. 

While there are a lot of things in our lives that we cannot control, there are things we can.  We can focus on those. Even if it's just a few small things, it will make a difference.

Think about what you can do for self care and set some time aside to do it.  Whether it is something physical or something mental, taking care of yourself is important.  Self care is not selfish; it's essential.